Pain holding back your golf game?

Physiotherapy for golf at Predator Ridge & Vernon. 

Golf is a whole body sport.

General aches and pains can feel like a normal part of the golf experience as we age, but it doesn't have to be. Getting your whole body looked at can help pinpoint the cause of your golf aches and pains.

Get to the root of your golf aches & pains

You need someone to look at your whole body, not just the part that hurts. 

What You Can Expect

The Golf Physiotherapy Assessment will help you play better and feel better.

This whole body systems evaluation is tailored regardless of your age or level of golf. 

It is designed to help you pinpoint your top priorities to optimize your movement for your golf game at Predator Ridge. 

The flow of my Golf Physiotherapy Assessment is as follows: 

Pre-Session Intake:

The first part of my evaluation is completed in the comfort of your home. It consists of a series of mini-quizzes related to better understanding how to optimize my assessment and treatment. 

In-Person Evaluation:

This is then followed up with an in-person evaluation looking at your whole body movement.

At the end of the session, I will review my findings along with my recommendations to address your golf related aches and pains.

Post Session Follow-Up:

Following the session, I will send you a personal video message summarizing my assessment findings along with a recap of my recommendations.

Are you ready to get started?

I'm ready to help you have a better golf game.


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Rem ridi culus pharetra eligendi labore nulla explicabo sem! Modi ipsa, dolores cupiditate elementum molestias dis animi, consequ untur pulvinar, fringilla ducimus facilisis habitant, irure erure? Fringilla metus nulla expli cabo sem!​

Rem ridi culus pharetra eligendi labore nulla explicabo sem! Modi ipsa, dolores cupiditate elementum molestias dis animi, consequ untur pulvinar, fringilla ducimus facilisis habitant, irure erure? Fringilla metus nulla expli cabo sem!​

Rem ridi culus pharetra eligendi labore nulla explicabo sem! Modi ipsa, dolores cupiditate elementum molestias dis animi, consequ untur pulvinar, fringilla ducimus facilisis habitant, irure erure? Fringilla metus nulla expli cabo sem!​